The Button Blog - American Button Machines — Button University
Button University Lesson 7: Button Template Guidelines
As you can imagine, the last thing any of us wants is to spend a lot of time designing a button, only to find out that all the dimensions are off and the photograph of Uncle Larry seems to have him missing an arm once you put the poor guy in the button. So, in order to help you avoid unnecessary frustration and to help Uncle Larry keep his arm, here are the tools for your templates.
Button University Lesson 6: Beginner Button Making Systems and Professional Button Making Systems
the only difference between a beginner button making system and a professional button making system is the type of paper cutter you'll receive. Our Beginner Systems include the Adjustable Rotary Cutter while our Professional Systems include a Punch Cutter.
Button University Lesson 5: Choosing the Right Kind of Button Paper
A common mistake when buying button paper for use in a button making project is spending too much money and making it too complicated. We're going to simplify the process for you today.
Button University Lesson 4: The Three Different Kinds of Cutters
We help you avoid driving yourself crazy with scissors because we have three specifically designed cutter products that will allow you to simply and efficiently prepare your graphics for the button machine.
Button University Lesson 3: Best Button Machine Design Standards
Let's make one thing clear right off the bat: we believe that our button makers incorporate the finest materials and technology to consistently produce quality buttons time and time again. In no way is this meant to disparage our competition. Rather, it is a simple proclamation to our customers that you can completely trust that the products you receive from American Button Machines will be the best. Period.