So Many Options with 6" Buttons
One of the most commonly asked - and important - questions that we get from potential button makers is: what size button is right for our project? It's a great question. With so many different button size options available, it can be hard to narrow it down and choose the one that perfectly fits your particular project.
While the 2.25" button is the most common and versatile button size that we sell, it is just one of many. In today's post we are going to talk about a button size that doesn't get enough credit or pub; but hey, even big buttons need love too.
So here are a variety of uses for the 6" button.
First of all, 6 inch buttons are terrific for photo buttons; and you can even make 6” photo buttons out of regular printer paper. But while photo buttons are the most common kind of 6" button, they are far from the only option.
Try a game of tic tac toe using a 6” button as the game board and using 1” magnets for the pieces. You can customize the buttons using your own graphics and imagination, as was done with the button below:
We can also customize a 6” button machine to make fabric covered buttons. Fabric button are great to display your monogram or cross stitching skills onto large 6” buttons.
In addition, 6” Buttons come with their own built-in pop-out display easel so you can stand them up and show off your craftiness on a desk or bookshelf.
And although we do not condone it, you can also place the smaller 1” buttons you made on a cat.

Image Courtesy of Stuff on My Cat
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