Button Making Questions, Ask ABM - Why Do I Keep Getting the reCAPTCHA When I Log In?
Why do I keep getting the reCAPTCHA when I log in? This is definitely one of the great mysteries of the internet but never fear, ABM Customer Solutions Team is here to help!

Most of the time when you visit our site to enjoy a bit of button-y bliss you will log right in and be on your way to a cart full of fun but once in awhile, you get the dreaded reCAPTCHA and you're off to picking crosswalks and street lights for what seems like forever. Why does this happen and more importantly, how do you get out of the loop?
If this is happening far too frequently you may be unknowingly creating a surfing pattern that gives the impression you are one of the dreaded "bots" of the web. How you get labeled as a bot we may never really know. It is all in an algorithm only the internet truly understands but there are a few things we know increase the odds of having to select all the motorcycles you see. The most common cause, especially for Google Chrome users, is not using the latest version of the browser. Additionally, enabling ad blockers, the browser "do not track" feature and some browser extensions that block your browser from sending information can be the culprit.
So how do you stop the loop? Start by updating your browser to the newest version. This is especially important if you are using Chrome, Firefox or Safari. A quick fix to try is simply using an incognito window or private browser. Lastly, simply clearing your cache can make all of the difference. Just being honest, clearing your cache is the fix for many mysteries of the web and we highly encourage it!
Don't forget, you can also use the internet to share your button-tastic creations with us by joining our group, The Pinback Button Making Community. There you can learn new tricks, get ideas, ask questions and make new friends. We hope to see you there soon but until then, happy button making!
- by Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool At ABM
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