Achieving a Matte Finish for Your Pinback Button Graphics
Matte Finish
While ABM does not sell a Matte Mylar, we can help with some basics on how to achieve the look.
One of the simplest ways is to use CLEAR MATTE CONTACT PAPER. Apply the film over your printed sheet of graphics, smooth the film down, and remove all bubbles or wrinkles. Then use a die press or adjustable cutter to cut out your graphics and make your button as normal (minus the glossy mylar): PRESTO! You have a matte finish.

You can use a LAMINATING SHEET to do the same thing. BUT DOESN'T laminating both sides of the graphic make it too thick?? Standard mylar is 0.003, or 3 microns thick. If you are laminating just one side, then your "laminate" should be 0.003 (3 microns) or half that if laminating both sides, 0.0015 (1.5 microns).

There is a variety of laminating sheets some are double-sided, some are single-sided, some are self-sealing others require heat aka thermal laminating.
PRO TIP: if you put two sheets of graphics back-to-back in the laminating pouch, you can then cut the edges off, and the papers will separate - Now you have two sets of graphics laminated.
Join us in The Pinback Button Making Community for more great button making ideas! You can share, learn and even make some new friends. We'll see you there but until then, happy button making!
- Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM
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