ABM Template Tutorial Video Series: Print Shop
Welcome, loyal buttoneers (not to be confused with boutonnieres), to the fourth and final installment of our video template tutorial series, which has already shown you how to create button graphics using Photoshop, Corel Draw, and the Open Office free button making software.
Today, we venture into the digital jungles of Print Shop to go on a video safari that will show you how to create circular button graphics using this Windows-based software.
Note: For the three previous tutorials, we have had free templates available for download (see: sidebar). As of the post date for this tutorial, we do not have these templates available yet for Print Shop. We will have them soon, however, and will update this post as soon as they are ready.
Update: The free Print Shop tutorials are ready!But the video is ready! And this means that if you use Print Shop, and if you are are just dying to learn how to make your button graphics so that you can start making buttons (and we know you are), you are just one click away from having a step-by-step tutorial to follow. The video below shows you how to use Print Shop to create a 2.25" image that can be used for making a 2.25" button. Here is what you will need to assemble before attempting the simple steps outlined in the video.
- Turn up the volume on your speakers so that you can hear the instructions.
- Get your source photo, image, or logo ready for use and know its location on your computer.
- Obviously you will need Print Shop installed on your computer.
- The appropriate size Print Shop template - which you can download for free by clicking here!
Update: Our video that shows you how to copy an individual button graphic across the entire page has now been posted.Brighid Brown - Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM
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