Big Changes To Our Website!
Things are changing rapidly at ABM! If you haven’t noticed, our server crashed last week and we have been scrambling to get everything back in order for you.
We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience our technical issues have caused and appreciate everyone’s patience as we move forward with a bigger and better website! Please contact us with any questions. As always you are our #1 priority and we will do everything we can to make your button making activity an enjoyable experience! Until next time – Happy Button Making! By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

What is Happening?
We have moved our shopping cart to a new platform. Please bear with us while we make the site easier to navigate. We have already made some big changes and will continue to tweak things in the coming weeks for better usability. We are transitioning all customer data and hope to have that completed very soon. If you need to place an order before the transfer is complete, you can give us a call at 972-985-5074 and we will be happy to assist you over the phone or you may simply click here to set up a new account and start placing your orders immediately.What about my ABM Reward Points:
We had to temporarily pause the rewards program for the last four days but not to worry, you will not lose any points you had previously accrued. We initiated a new rewards program on the new shopping cart and added even more ways to earn points! You can get free points just for signing up for a new account or sharing our site on social media sites. Once all customer accounts have been transferred to the new site, we will begin migrating any unused reward points.
What about Build-a-Button software?
During our transition we are giving away free button making software! Please feel free to use our Build-a-Button software while we get everything back on track. Build-a-Button Classic Build-a-Button 5.0
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