What Can I Make With a Button Maker? Button Making Questions, Ask ABM
What can I make with a button maker? This is an age old question with a multitude of answers. Maybe a better question would be what can't I make with a button maker?
The size of button maker you decide on will be the real determining factor in the true answer to this question. The two questions go hand in hand when starting your button making adventure and to help you solve the first part of the riddle take a look at our recent article "What Size Buttons Should I Make". Once you've settled on a size, you'll notice some sizes have more options than others but there are a couple of ways to nail it down.
ABM provides a quick and easy cheat sheet for you on our site. This chart provides a basic guide so you can easily compare product availability by size.
The second and most comprehensive way to explore a size is to select "Shop by Size" under "Button Supplies" in the blue navigation bar. Once the product selection screen opens, you can choose a size in the menu to the left and let your mind be boggled and your creativity flow! This will give you a visual representation of all items available in the selected size.
For a few tips from fellow button making friends to help get you started, you can visit our collection of articles in the "Button Making Ideas by ABM" category right here in the Button Blog. You can also join us in The Pinback Button Making Community for inspiration and even more button-tastic ideas. Remember, you can always call the button ninjas of Team ABM and they will be more than happy to help you in your journey to button making greatness.
With all of the sizes and products available you will quickly learn that the only limiting factor to what you can make with a button maker is your own imagination! One thing is for sure, whatever the size and whatever your product choices, you will be so glad you joined our button-y fun family. Until next time, happy button making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM
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Hi, Katherine! The smallest size we sell to be used with fabric or that we recommend to use with fabric is 1.5" and you will find them under “fabric button makers” and “fabric button making kits” in the blue navigation bar here on our site. On smaller sizes the fabric can be too bulky to allow the button to crimp together properly and may even jam the machine. Our machines are very finely calibrated and they are set standard for 24 pound paper, which is just regular copy paper. When you order a fabric machine, we use a sample of your fabric to calibrate the machine so it will work with your material and embroidery. When you send your sample please include the fabric, which should be a light weight cotton, the backing and embroidery with enough to make at least 5 buttons to test. If you have any additional questions or we can help you further please let us know. We are here to help!
I do have two of your button makers. The company I purchased them from said they were especially adjusted to handle fabric for embroidered buttons, magnets, pendants, etc.
I was unable to purchase the 1" size before they stopped selling button makers. I have combed your site and find nothing about fabric or embroidered fabric being used with your machines. Please fill me in on the “special adjustment” that a 1" button maker would need for me to use it with fabric!