American Button Machines – What sets us Apart
12 Things to Know & Love about ABM
If you’ve been researching button companies then you’ve probably found there’s more than one player at the table. Here are some key reasons to buy from American Button Machines. 1. Our button making equipment conforms to industry standard sizes and is Made in America! 2.
Build a Button Online Design Center – a fantastic piece of software developed specifically for button making. Templates, text in a circle... 3. We humbly believe we have the BEST Customer Service with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. 4. Call during business hours & a human being promptly answers the phone. Seriously, no automated operator – no extra buttons to push.

5. Call after hours & leave a message – we will call you back. 6.
Customer Reward Program – accrue reward points that equate to $ discounts. 7. We have more accessories than anyone else in the industry: Magnetic jewelry, earrings, craft punch, ornaments, flashing button LEDs etc. 8. We invest time and capital into helping YOU make buttons. For example, Button University and this Button Blog. We want YOU to know everything possible about making buttons. Have questions? Call us! 9. We offer you lots of ways to find our FREE “How To” videos. They’re posted on our website, Blog, FaceBook, Google+ and Pinterest. Paper copies are also available. 10. Best Price Guarantee – A lot of research went into making sure we are offering the best value. So, let us know if a competitor has a better published offer. 11. The
Ultimate Extended Warranty for button machines and punch cutters is available exclusively from ABM. 12. And finally, we don’t stamp our name on the button back, so you have no worries about your customers calling us instead of you for reorders. Hope this information is helpful, until next time - Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM