Puns on Buttons
Good Puns (on buttons) are their own Reword
Puns on buttons are a sure way to get laughs and perhaps start a conversation. Giving you the opportunity to make a new friend. I think most people love a good pun. And, in my opinion, the best are the kind that make you roll your eyes (in the way generally reserved for teenagers) and shake your head silently while grinning ear to ear. Those that leave you simultaneously asking for more and begging the punner to quit pun-ishing you. Knee-slappers, groaners… you know what I mean. And when it’s a visual – all the better. On most days, you know how your day is going to roll out. There’s a routine of sorts. Not too much out of the ordinary happens. Well, today is no ordinary day. We came across this gem recently and liked it so much that we just had to share. Who amongst you thought you’d be seeing Diane Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Sean Combs today? All together? On one button? You’re welcome!

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