We Are Giving Away a Free Button Machine!
We find ourselves with an unusual situation today in that we have come into possession of a slightly used 2.25” button machine. As you know, our button machines are beyond sturdy. We even replaced some parts to make sure it is in tip-top shape.
We’ve been throwing around ideas of what to do with said machine and decided to have a contest to GIVE IT AWAY – FOR FREE!
All you have to do is like us on Facebook. If we reach 1500 Facebook likes within the next 60 days, we’ll pick a name at random from our “likers”, and that person wins. It’s that easy. If you already like us on Facebook, and want even more chances to win, then you can also like us on Google + and/or post a Google comment or review and we’ll put your name in twice or even three times. (Once more for the like and another for the review.)
So, talk about us on Facebook and Google. Share our information with your friends so they can like us too and we reach that all important 1500. We want someone to win and there’s no reason that someone can’t be YOU!
Until next time, Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

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