We Are Giving Away a Free Button Maker - Update
If you have been following our button machine giveaway here on our Button Blog and our Facebook Page, then you know we are very close to reaching our goal of 1,500 Facebook likes. There is just about a week to go until the big giveaway and we still need 115 likes to make our goal of 1500. We truly want someone to win and so we're going to make it even easier.
A few weeks ago we launched our new website, which is not only easier to use, but has some great new features. Did you know you can now review products right on the website? Starting now, every product you review on the website gives you another chance to win. Even better, we're going to count each of those reviews as a like! You need only be registered on the website to post a review.
We are pulling out all the stops and trying to give this button machine away, so help us help you :-)
Until next time, Happy Button Making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

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