Why Should I Buy Your Machine? Button Making Questions, Ask ABM
Why should I buy your button machine? What makes your company different? These are common questions from people who are researching button companies as they prepare to begin their button making adventures. Here at ABM, we love when someone ask us what makes us special and we’re more than happy to tell them why!
Investing in a quality button machine is crucial to button making success but you want to make sure that you are getting the best value for your money. In your search you will find machines that are less expensive but remember the golden rule – you get what you pay for. The problem is that most of the less expensive machines you find are not made in the US and are cheaply constructed with plastic parts. Not only does the machine have plastic components, the buttons themselves that come with those machines are typically plastic backed making for a much less professional, less attractive and unreliable finished product. ABM machines are all American steel as are the button supplies you get with them.
You may also be tempted to purchase a button machine with interchangeable dies. This may sound appealing and like a great idea but please watch our video first that will show you the challenges you may face with reliability. Most of these machines are poorly made, imported and simply do not work.
Should anything go wrong with one of the imported machines or you have a jam, there is little to no help available, much less any kind of warranty and certainly not a repair center to get you back up and running. We demonstrate the very real differences in our great video USA Button Makers vs Imported Button Machines. Not sure where the machine you’re looking at is made? Don’t be fooled by the American flag in the picture and rather look for the typical signs. You won’t find the words “made in USA” beside that pretty flag and somewhere in the product description, regardless of the bold size they advertise, will be a measurement in millimeters giving it away. This brings us to the next reason to buy from ABM, availability of supplies.
We receive calls daily from people who are either looking for parts for their machine or have already ordered parts from us and they just don’t seem to work or fit in their machine. The first thing we ask in that case is what kind of machine do you have? If you have an imported machine, no US standard (US manufactured) size parts will work in it. This goes back to that millimeter measurement we mentioned earlier. Button makers are very finely calibrated and believe it or not, 1 millimeter can actually make the difference in whether you successfully make a button or not. Consistent sizing is not a strong point for the import brands and measurements can be erratic meaning even those millimeter measured supplies you finally found may or may not work and even if they happen to, they are still going to be plastic on the back and in all likelihood will have a high failure rate. When you buy from ABM, you will get consistently fabulous, high quality, reliable button supplies that are always the perfect fit for your ABM machines!
Next up, remember, it’s not only the machine itself you need to evaluate but what happens after your purchase? It is inevitable you’re going to need help from time to time and certain you will need more supplies so the next most important question when choosing a brand to go with is if customer service is easily available should you have any problems or questions? What if you just need a little bit of guidance getting started? Some moral support to cheer you on? Team ABM is always happy to help with multiple options. When you call our office during business hours of 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CST Mon - Fri, you will get a live member of Team ABM. No recordings here! Not much for conversation? Use
our convenient chat feature right from our website. Maybe you’re a night owl or it’s Saturday afternoon and the office is closed? How can you get help then? We have a solution for that, too! The Pinback Button Making Community is a collection of the best and brightest minds in the industry and they are just waiting to lend a hand or share ideas 24/7.
All of our machines and supplies are industry standard sizes, made in the USA and ready to ship from our warehouse when you place your order. You can buy with confidence as we offer a best price guarantee, the machines carry a lifetime warranty against manufacturer defects, we offer a no questions asked ultimate extended warranty & we have a 365 day return policy . You can also take advantage of our generous rewards program that will give you cash back to use on future purchases plus free button design software with pinback button purchases and we make it easy by putting everything together for you in our button making kits that contain all you need to start making buttons right out of the box! To help you become a button making ninja once you receive that magic machine, we have the most comprehensive learning center available with entertaining video tutorials.
The bottom line is our button machines are of the highest quality, made in the USA of heavy steel, no plastic and made to last with real customer service you can depend on. If you take care of your machines and do regular machine maintenance you will be making great buttons for a very long time with the support of Team ABM to back you up! Until next time, happy button making!
By Brighid Brown, Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM
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