The Best Button Makers For Schools? Ours!
Much to the chagrin of kids across the country, school is back in session. And while this has a number of ramifications for teachers and parents - new schedules to adhere to, new lessons to plan, new student-teacher dynamics to navigate through - there is one that you might not yet have considered:
You need a button machine. Specifically, you need the best button makers for schools - kits tailored, in fact, just for the needs of schools. And luckily for you, we know just where to send you to get one!
At this point you may be wondering, "Wait, why do I need a button machine?" We're here to tell you. You need a one of the best button making kits for schools so that you can take advantage of the numerous opportunities there are to use one through the school year.
Our specifically-tailored school kits include a professional button machine and punch cutter, 500 complete button sets, three months of free access to the Build-a-Button Online Design Center, and four (count 'em four!) robust design CDs - including the beloved School, Sports, and Fun CD. You can use the kit to create buttons for all kinds of special school occasions, such as:
Exemplary student performance.
Victorious efforts by the sports teams.
Anti-drug programs.
And so many more!
Buttons can be worn by volunteers who are working at the school. They can be used and/or sold at PTA meetings. They can be used in students council campaigns.
The best teachers always inspire students to think with an unlimited imagination. In this case, the limits of the imagination are the only limits on what types of buttons can be made and what they can be used for.
Do you have any school-specific buttons you want to share? Submit them to our Customer Spotlight and we'll showcase them right here at the blog!
Brighid Brown - Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABMShare this post
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